Little Heath School



At Little Heath School we teach Mathematics as we understand that it is a fundamental means by which our learners understand, engage with and control their world.  By learning to communicate and apply mathematical ideas and concepts, learners become equipped with the tools to tackle a range of practical tasks and real-life problems. Mathematics is a broad discipline and encompasses aspects of number, measure, geometry, statistics and probability.

We aim to ensure that all our pupils:

  • Become fluent in the fundamentals of Mathematics
  • Are able to reason mathematically
  • Can solve problems by applying their Mathematical knowledge.


At Little Heath School, we are dedicated to ensuring that our students recognize the significance of Mathematics in the broader world. We also aim to equip them with the confidence to apply their mathematical skills and knowledge effectively in various real-life contexts, including:

  • Managing money
  • Shopping
  • Preparing food
  • Following directions and recipes
  • Ordering items by size, weight etc.
  • Figuring out distance, time and cost
  • Having a practical understanding of time to plan the day

Maths and numeracy form an integral part of our everyday curriculum at LHS so we endeavour to provide opportunities that allow the learners to practice and embed their skills and knowledge in a variety of practical and functional ways. This approach enables the children to apply their skills and knowledge in a relevant and purposeful manner, appropriate to their model of learning. For most of the students, mathematical understanding will be developed through stories, songs, games, sensory and imaginative play so that they enjoy using and experimenting with numbers and other mathematical concepts.  

We use a universal approach through visual supports and using simple language when asking questions, giving directions, presenting concepts, and offering explanations.  

While Mathematics is taught as a dedicated subject on our timetable, we acknowledge that the instruction of mathematical concepts extends beyond these specific sessions. We actively seek opportunities throughout the school day and across the curriculum to impart and reinforce mathematical knowledge.

Furthermore, we recognize the importance of repetition, contextual exploration, and frequent revisiting of skills to foster fluency and mastery. The Mathematics curriculum is sequenced to develop key knowledge and skills over time. As a result, students will encounter the same content repeatedly, but each time within a more comprehensive and demanding context, thereby enhancing their understanding on a deeper level.


Mathematics is delivered at Little Heath as both a discrete subject and through a cross curricular integrated approach. The pathways offered include, the pre-formal, semi-formal or formal approach. Lessons and teaching are personalised to match learners’ individual needs.

Lessons are designed to provide plenty of opportunities to build reasoning and problem-solving elements into the curriculum. When a new concept is introduced, pupils have the opportunity to use concrete objects and manipulatives so that they can understand what they are doing. Alongside this, pupils are encouraged to use pictorial representations. These representations can then be used to help reason and solve problems. Through concrete and pictorial representations pupils can develop understanding of abstract methods.

The scheme below shows our approach for Mathematics at Little Heath School:

Mathematics for Pre-Formal Learners

Multi-sensory learning, play and real objects, as well as songs and stories, provide the children with opportunities to develop early thinking and cognition skills, play skills as well as early number and shape space and measure concepts. Learning opportunities are embedded across the school day in different ways and tailored towards individual’s needs and ability.

This is facilitated using:

  • Songs
  • Action rhymes
  • Games- providing opportunities to talk about maths
  • Practical everyday situations- such as knowing where to put their coat- positional language
  • Developing and understanding of routines- time
  • Organising and categorising objects –sorting and recognising similarities and differences
  • Creating patterns with a range of materials
  • Child-led play

Learners are introduced to an idea or a skill by acting it out with concrete resources. This is a 'hands on' component using real objects and it is the foundation for conceptual understanding. Pre-Formal learners also have opportunities to access accreditation and examinations.

Mathematics for Semi-Formal Learners

The approach used throughout the semi-formal curriculum is to develop mathematical thinking through a themed approach with focused learning opportunities that introduce content appropriate to the individual’s cognitive processing capabilities.

Mathematics is taught through a range of cross curricular learning experiences that are concrete and meaningful such as communication or real-life experiences. Mathematical understanding can also be developed through stories, songs and games, these skills are the foundation for future learning in Mathematics.

Once pupils have gained proficiency in the use of concrete methods of mathematical exploration, pictorial representation is introduced. In this stage, learners relate their previous understanding of diagrams and pictures of mathematical concepts.

Mathematics for Formal Learners

The formal curriculum at Little Heath builds on and expands the knowledge, skills, and understanding acquired in the semi-formal curriculum. Once students have mastered the pictorial stage, they progress to representing their ideas in an abstract manner using mathematical notation and symbols. Formal learners are also provided with opportunities to pursue accreditation and take examinations to further validate their mathematical proficiency.

Mathematics at Little Heath can be taught in two ways: as an integrated part of other subjects and as a standalone subject. Regardless of the approach, the learning process emphasizes the practical application of mathematical skills in everyday life and the ability to generalize those skills. The primary goal is to ensure that all learners:

  • Become fluent in the fundamentals of Mathematics and develop some conceptual understanding.
  • Can reason mathematically and explain their thinking using mathematical language.
  • Can solve problems by applying their mathematics to relevant real-life situations and persevering in seeking solutions.

In the sixth form, through community visits and work experience our learners develops their understanding of functional Maths, with a particular focus on:

  • Travel training
  • Budgeting and Shopping
  • Home management such as measures in cooking or washing instructions
  • Personal care such as buying correct size clothing or shoes
  • Health and Hygiene such as reading medication or the instructions for application of products

Recording and Assessing Progress

Targets are set using the pupil’s Education Health Care Plan outcomes and from the baseline assessments on entry. Annual targets are set and broken down into short-term targets which are reviewed on a termly basis to identify where intervention or additional support is required to ensure success.

Learning walks support the whole school quality assurance. Teacher consultations and work scrutiny are

conducted to check the teaching and learning of mathematics are in line with the curriculum pathways and



We review and consider the impact of the mathematics curriculum in line with baseline data and tracking.

Outcomes are also measured through success within the individual’s EHC Plan.

In Sixth Form, success will be measured by acquisition of the appropriate skills that the learners require for their progress to further study, training or employment.

At KS4 and post 16 the acquisition of accreditation or exams is an additional measure of achievement and attainment as compared to starting points.

The school’s assessment lead tracks progress each term in Mathematics and summarises the impact of what has been taught.

Outcomes and achievement in Mathematics is reported annually as part of the assessment and progress reporting to the governing body.