Little Heath School

Equality Objectives

The Equality Act 2010 requires us to publish information that demonstrates that we have due regard for the need to:

• Eliminate unlawful discrimination and other conduct that is prohibited by the Act
• Advance equality of opportunity between people who share a protected characteristic and people who do not (the protected characteristics are age; disability; gender reassignment; marriage and civil partnership; pregnancy and maternity; race; religion or belief; sex; and sexual orientation.
• Foster good relations between people who share a protected characteristic and people who do not share it.

Equality is very important to Little Heath School. We ensure that we are mindful of equality, and compliant with the legislation in all of our policies and procedures. Little Heath School has a bespoke set of equality objectives that works for us and the community we serve.

We have formed these objectives by identifying what is important for us to focus on for both our pupils and our staff over the next four years. We offer a range of family-friendly employment policies, flexible working arrangements and staff engagement forums, alongside exceptional personal and professional development opportunities.

• Provide a personalised curriculum where all pupils can make progress, whatever their starting point and whatever their disability;
• Support all pupils to feel cared for and valued and encourage them to treat other people with care and respect;
• Provide a range of learning activities and resources which are relevant and interesting to all pupils;
• Celebrate the diversity of our community and support pupils to learn about the community around them;
• Encourage those pupils who can do so to recognize and challenge unfairness and discrimination

In respect of our pupils, we strive to:

• Provide a personalised curriculum where all pupils can make progress, whatever their starting point and whatever their disability;
• Support all pupils to feel cared for and valued and encourage them to treat other people with care and respect;
• Provide a range of learning activities and resources which are relevant and interesting to all pupils;
• Celebrate the diversity of our community and support pupils to learn about the community around them;
• Encourage those pupils who can do so to recognize and challenge unfairness and discrimination

In respect of our staff, this means we strive to:

• Build a workforce at all levels which reflects our community;
• Treat all staff equally, fairly and with respect, whatever their role and whether they are temporary, part-time or full-time;
• Create a working environment free of bullying, harassment, victimisation and unlawful discrimination, promoting dignity and respect for all;
• Ensure that individual differences and the contributions of all staff are recognised and valued;
• Provide all staff with access to high-quality continued professional development which meets their needs;
• Ensure that all staff have opportunities to progress in their career, with decisions based on merit;
• Oppose and avoid all forms of unlawful discrimination. This includes in pay and benefits, terms and conditions of employment, dealing with grievances and discipline, dismissal, redundancy, leave for parents, requests for flexible working, and selection for employment, promotion, training or other developmental opportunities.

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 Equality Policy.pdfDownload
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